How I can help
The following represent just some of the areas in which I am able to help

Is your drinking beginning to impact those around you in a negative way?
Perhaps you are drinking more and for longer and are finding it difficult to cut down or stop?
Maybe you are finding it difficult to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life without alcohol?​​
It can sometimes feel more comfortable to ignore the signs, always thinking that it will be fine and you will stop tomorrow. Whether you consider yourself to be alcohol dependent, someone who is a heavy drinker or simply concerned that your alcohol consumption has been increasing, now is the time to reconsider your relationship with alcohol.
*I have specific experience as a counsellor within a drug and alcohol recovery agency. Please be aware that it may be harmful for people with very high alcohol consumption, who are physically dependent, to stop drinking suddenly and it is advisable to seek medical guidance.
Drug misuse
Sometimes the use of drugs can cause people to neglect other aspects of their lives. This can have a negative impact on health, relationships, work and finances. A loss of control over drug use can creep up slowly and dependency can occur before it can be fully addressed.
I will work with you to understand what lies behind the drug use and how you can challenge cravings in a practical way to regain control of your life.
I have specialist experience working in this area, having previously been a counsellor at a drug and alcohol recovery agency.
Has the fun stopped but you are struggling to stop? Perhaps you have set your own spending limits but are now trying to get around them? Reaching out for support to manage your gambling issues is the first step to regaining control of your life.
Anxiety is a natural response to actual or anticipated danger and can, therefore, be useful in helping to keep us safe.
Unfortunately, it is also possible to feel anxious when there is no danger or the feeling of anxiety is disproportionate to the situation and is unhelpful to us, often preventing us from doing things we would really like to do.
We can explore these feelings together in a safe and contained way. I will also help you to find the best way for you to manage these feelings so that you have practical 'tools' to use when you are not in a counselling session. Many people suffering from anxiety also have symptoms of depression or experience panic attacks (see below for both).
The loss of someone close to you can leave you with an array of feelings from profound sadness and emotional pain, to anger, bewilderment, fear for your own future or even a sense of guilt that you feel relief that they are no longer suffering. Whatever you are feeling, you should know that grief is a natural response and there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to feel - just your way.
People often speak about the stages of grief but in reality these stages are not processed in a neat, linear way. You may sometimes feel that you are feeling 'stuck' in your grief or even moving backwards. By talking to someone who is really listening to you and can acknowledge the importance of your loss you can begin to find some space to heal.
Clinical depression can impact people with a range of different symptoms such as a deep sense of sadness, hopelessness, lack of energy and motivation, feeling unable to cope, feeling tearful, change in appetite, low self esteem, wanting to be alone, problems sleeping and constantly ruminating over problems. Some people may also experience anxiety and others may have suicidal thoughts. You may experience all or some of these symptoms but there are many others. Depression can last for many months and prevent us from getting on with our lives.
Counselling can help you to understand yourself better, working at your pace to find ways to move forward with your life.
I provide a safe and confidential space for clients worried by suicidal thoughts to talk openly about their concerns. I have experience as a Samaritan and work with people to find a way forward with their lives in a meaningful and fulfilling way.
Panic Attacks
Panic attacks (sometime referred to as panic disorder) are usually associated with a sudden feeling of severe anxiety, sometimes without an obvious reason. The symptoms of a panic attack are numerous and can range from shaking and shortness of breath to sweating and nausea , but there are many others.
I will work with you to explore what lies behind this response, and look at practical ways to manage the thoughts triggering these unpleasant sensations so that you can move forward with your life with a greater sense of confidence.
Relationship issues
I work with individuals who would like to make sense of their relationships or gain a better understanding of their thoughts, feelings and behaviours in relation to other people. This could be with a partner, other family members, work colleagues or friends.
In the case of people working on issues concerning a partner, individual counselling can be a useful opportunity to work on what is important to you, such as your own patterns of relating and values, before moving to couples counselling.
Workplace Stress
Are you feeling overwhelmed by your work load?
Does the thought of going to work fill you with dread?
Are you finding relationships with your colleagues difficult to manage?
Perhaps you are spending longer and longer at work causing problems in other areas of your life?
Have you been made redundant or struggling with the fear of being made redundant?
Sometimes finding the balance that you need can be more difficult than it sounds. Issues around office politics can cause real worry, particularly as it can impact your financial security and sense of self worth.
I will give you the space you need to explore your workplace experience, helping you to put things in perspective and regaining your balance. This may include reflecting on your hopes for the future, both at work and your private life, as well as thinking about your own patterns of relating to others. By drawing on techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) we will work together to find some 'tools' that you can use to reframe your thinking and use to manage your worry. I never forget that you are the expert on your own experience and I will support you to find your way forward in a way that feels right for you.
The issues above are just some of the problems I work with. If you have other concerns that you would like support with then please contact me so that we can discuss your needs and the most appropriate way forward.
I can offer sessions at comfortable offices in the heart of Sevenoaks or remotely using Zoom or telephone.